Quit Expecting So Much

I recently read an article from a mom who discovered she was bullying her oldest. She was so worried about keeping the schedule, the house, the family up, that her oldest took the blame (and the eye rolls) when something went wrong. It only took me a couple paragraphs to feel my heart catch and know that I did the exact same thing. I’m guilty of bullying my oldest too.  Continue reading


OK Moms…How many times a day do you hear, “That’s not fair!”? Between The Tween and The Boy, I think I might hear it well over twenty times a day. They have no idea how good they have it…how blessed they are! I heard it again over an extremely idiotic argument from The Boy a couple of days ago and I. Lost. My. Mind. It was one of those “I-walked-uphill-in-the-snow-three-miles-to-school” kind of lecture. Continue reading