Too Many Hats?

It’s been a while, I admit. I’ve missed this…writing, the blog life (haha). I don’t really know why I stopped. There’s been many opportunities and a ton of topics I could write about on any given day. But I haven’t. And now it’s kind of gnawing at me. So I’m back.

Life is always busy. It’s the truth for everyone and it’s subjective. “Busy” means different things to different people. We all have our version of “busy” that sucks us down the rabbit hole of feeling like we’re being pulled in a million directions.

I think when I left this thing off last I was working on my health. That’s still…..going? I mean, I haven’t gained ALLLL the weight back, but I haven’t hit my goal yet. I am finally getting back on the exercise wagon after a very long hiatus :), and can definitely feel it. It’s been 790 days since I’ve had a cigarette. I am extremely proud of that one. I am still home with my children although we are not homeschooling anymore. (I applaud any family that makes that work. It just did not work for our unit.)

Since they’re back in school I have either fallen into, or picked up, several “jobs” and hobbies that fill my time and help contribute to our family income. But…sometimes I feel like I wear too many hats. At some point am I better off just going back to work?? Here’s the breakdown (in no particular order):

  • I babysit. I love the few kiddos I have and it helps with our financial situation. I don’t know that I actually consider this a “job” although some days I do feel like I was in an eight hour rodeo. It really just feels like my wee one has play dates throughout the week but I’m the only adult. 🙂
  • In the evenings and on the weekends, I am a Instacart shopper. If you haven’t heard of this, you should check it out immediately. Such an awesome service for grocery delivery (any Aldi lovers out there???) and you can get your groceries delivered straight to your door by a personal shopper (like me) in just a couple hours. I love this. Although be warned…..there are some not great shoppers out there. I think the best of them are those like me (not bragging, just a fact). Moms working part-time but know how to shop. We can sense what matters most to people and can shop more effectively. It is awesome money, but it is HARD work. Not for the lazy or unmotivated :). And, I get to set my own hours, which as a SAHM is important!P.S. – If you check it out and decide you want to try it, why not use my referral link?? LOL
  • I work part-part-part time in my church as our Bookstore Coordinator. It’s just a couple hours a week, but I LOVE my volunteer team and the ministry itself. It’s fulfilling and I think we make a difference. 🙂
  • I am a Java Momma Barista. For those who don’t know me personally, I am a coffee addict. Or maybe it’s addicted to me?? Anyway, JM is a fairly new direct sales company and their freshly roasted coffees and loose leaf teas are a weakness of mine. Getting it at discount makes me happy, and I like sharing it with others. I like to think I have a little cult following of sorts for all things caffeine! Or decaf, if that’s your thing, but I really don’t think I can truly trust those people. 😉
  • My Etsy Shop. This is hands down my favorite thing. I love yarn. All. The. Yarn. Crocheted stuffed animals, loveys, hats, dishcloths, scarves……all of it just makes me grin. The only reason I have a shop is to pay for my craft store habit and the various places in my brand new home that I stash my yarn hoard. Some people might see it as a problem. I see it as a solution. After all, it’s hard to strangle your pre-teen son for just being 11 if you’re crocheting….I mean, you don’t want to lose your count.

So…..yes, I’m a busy Momma. But I don’t (usually) feel overwhelmed. I wish I made more money to help my hubby carry the load but what I do helps to pay for the little things that pop up with three kiddos.

Is it OK that that’s enough for me?

Should I want to return to the office life once wee one is in full day Kindergarten?

Because I really don’t. I like being there for my kiddos. I missed a lot out of the first two’s early years. And next year we’ll have a freshman in marching band, one in middle school with musical aspirations as well, and a Kindergartner. While they all drive me batty and sometimes I don’t feel like my own person, I am generally thrilled with my life.

I am living the life I grew up dreaming about.

Still, I’m not sure I have the answer to this one yet. And I don’t feel pressured from anyone to decide yet…it’s all me putting extra stress on me. Me and my many hats. 🙂

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